Kunst Galleri Online Art Gallery |
Jesper Schytt & Lilly Schytt
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Kunstmaler Hans Carlsen's GalleriEr født i 1952 , har beskæftiget sig seriøst med maleri siden 1984.Motiverne er hovedsalig af erotisk og surrealistisk karakter.Pigerne er det centrale i Carlsens billeder.Airbrushen (en lille sprøjtepistol ) er hans foretrukne maleredskab.Han maler for det meste med akryl på lærredetHans Carlsen beskæftiger sig en del med bestillingsopgaver.Har lavet erotiske illustrationer til div. magasiner i en årrække.Olie billeder fra Kunstmaler.dk - kunst galleri.
Words assosiasions in English gallery, art, kunst, custom painting, flame, motorcycle, house of kolor, helmet, kustom paint, illustration, pin up, paint, kolor, honda, yamaha, suzuki, motorcycle helmet, indian, harley davidson, chopper,kawasaki,leather jacket, big dog,james jesse, raphic, design, otorcycles, tank,fender, helmet,air-brush, flame,flames,fantasy, painting, bikes, tribal, gothic, gragon ,Indian, nude, anime, painter, AIRBRUSH GALLERY, Textile, Magazine, leather, fantasy artist, Harley, air brushing, air brush, motorhomes, hot rods, low riders, harley davidson, Honda, yamaha, suzuki, exotic, murals, ommercial illustration, video tapes, prints, ude, sales, Hans Carlsen, iwata, medea,jacket, Illustrations, Bikes, Airhead, t-shirt, surfaces, Supplies, sites, Pin-Ups, Learn,helmets, goalie, how-to,car, auto,artwork, motorcycle, murals, commercial, painting, airbrushed, motorcycle, painting , custom, auto, custom paint jobs, custom motorcycle paint, custom graphics, motorcycle paint, custom painters, personalized art ,custom paintings, paint sprayers, airbrush paint, estimates, paint custom, paintjob, paints,house of kolor ,bikes,paintings, custpm, deano's, maccoo, paint ,decals, painted, rims ,color ,codes, deanos, custompaint, maaco, camo, house of color, estimate, flamed, pinstripping, artco, trimbrite, repainted, upholstery, painter, headliner, paiting interrior, decals, hired gun, trim, dead mans hand, rims, vance and hines, dusold, kustom 1, day car, bare metal, artwork, painters, sprayed, pinstripeing, goaly ,paintshop,s helmets, flamemaster, two tone, customflamepainting, customization, vrod, hot rod, honda civic, door panels ,mayco, maacco, touchup, prostripe, dreammachine, customized, cutsom, panelbeaters, zx6r nxi, for cars, autopainting ,road king, carcoa kolour, nubs, jobs, stiping primering, paints colors, kolors, scratches, murals fenders ,gastank, sportbike, kathouse, maako, job, finishes, tanks, carpain, striping, kolours, chrome, custon, body paint,piant customizing, designs, vrod ,kolor, fat bob, houseofkolor ,skull tank, skulls, interiors, aerographics, hhouse of kolour, dream machines, interior, painy, autotrim, carcustom, dreamachine, metalflake, yamaha, troy lee, beugler, milburn's, golie" |
E-mail hcgalleri@mail.tele.dk ikke info@airbrush-carlsen.dk